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TraplasVisualisation Documentation

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The Traplasviz visualisation application is a visualisation for the Traplas transport planning simulation created by Jonne Zutt. The visualisation uses OpenSceneGraph to visualise the execution of a simulation run performed by Traplas. For communication between the visualisation and Traplas Dbus is used. Bi-directional communication is implemented but not yet used. Alternatively, the visualisation can process a file containing a simulation generated by Traplas. At the moment only non-interactive visualisation is supported. Interactive simulation will possibly added in the future. Also, it should not be hard to adapt the visualisation for other similar visualisation purposes.



The manual describes how the use the visualisation and how make modifications/additions to the visualisation.


There are several dependencies:


As many university research projects, our tools are developed to prove the concept, rather than to serve industry. Hence, the tools are essentially prototypes. Of course, we like to give you the opportunity to experiment with them. Needless to say, the tools are provided as is without any warranty; without even the implied warranty of merchantibility or fitness for a particular purpose, and are intended for academic, non-commercial use only.

This open-source project is hosted at under the General Public License (GPL).


All classes that were implemented for this project.

Generated on Mon Jun 19 10:22:04 2006 for TraplasVisualisation by  doxygen 1.4.4