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TraplasVisualisation Class List

Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
AnimationPathTimedCallbackOwn implementation of osg::AnimationPathCallback
CargoCargo object class
CommPrototype for communication classes. All communication classes inherit from this class
DbusConnectionCommunication class to facilitate bi-directional communication with Traplas using Dbus. This class offers synchronous and an option to implement asynchronous communications. Asynchronous communications at the moment functions much like synchrounous communications, with the possibility of doing things between dbus_g_proxy_begin_call() and dbus_g_proxy_end_call()
DispatcherProvides the coupling between the graphical part and the communications
FileReaderCommunication class to read an input file generated by Traplas containing a simulation. Offers a choise between a 'dumb' parser and a flex parser
InfrastructureInfrastructure resource class
MessageControllerProvides time-flow control and sends received message to statecontrol at the correct time
SomeObjectGlib object used for the glib binding with DBus
SomeObjectClassGlib object class used for the glib binding with DBus
StateControlClass that maintains the osg world and handles any changes to the state of the world
TransportTransport resource class
TraplasObjectSuperclass for types of objects that are part of the simulated transport network
UserEventHandlerEvent Handler class. Handles user interface events. With thanks to the osgpick example by Robert Roebling
UserInterfaceUser Interface functions and functionality

Generated on Mon Jun 19 10:22:12 2006 for TraplasVisualisation by  doxygen 1.4.4