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DbusConnection Member List

This is the complete list of members for DbusConnection, including all inherited members.

_send_message(SomeObject *, char **, GError **)DbusConnection [friend]
condDbusConnection [private]
dbus_init()DbusConnection [private]
DbusConnection(string nthisapp, string nthatapp, MessageController *ptr)DbusConnection
mainloopDbusConnection [private]
msgcontrollerDbusConnection [private]
mutexDbusConnection [private]
outqueueDbusConnection [private]
receiveThread(void *)DbusConnection [friend]
receivethreadDbusConnection [private]
remote_objectDbusConnection [private]
sendMessage(shared_ptr< vector< shared_ptr< string > > > messagebody)DbusConnection [virtual]
sendthreadDbusConnection [private]
sendThread(void *)DbusConnection [friend]
sendthread_runDbusConnection [private]
thatappDbusConnection [private]
thisappDbusConnection [private]
~Comm()Comm [inline, virtual]

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